Attempts of PAD Teaching Methodology in Modern Chinese College English Writing Class: A Grounded Theory Based Perspective


  • Huanan Su University of the Cordilleras



PAD teaching methodology, College English Writing class, modern Chinese college students’ language learning, a grounded theory based perspective


This research paper attempts to have an in-depth understanding of PAD (presentation-assimilation-discussion) teaching methodology applied in a modern Chinese college course, which is College English Writing class, from the perspective of the Grounded Theory. Based on a detailed introduction and analysis of the Grounded Theory, this research makes efforts to answer such a question that how PAD teaching methodology is applied in modern Chinese College English Writing class as well as how it helps Chinese college students learn in their College English Writing class. The PAD teaching methodology in modern Chinese College English Writing class is a new type of teaching mode, being divided into three processes: presentation, assimilation and discussion (which is the co-called PAD). The key innovation in the PAD teaching methodology in modern Chinese College English Writing class is to stagger the lectures and discussions in time, so that students have a week time for personalized assimilation, which mobilizes students’ interest in learning, promotes students’ enthusiasm, cultivates students’ learning autonomy, and improves the quality of the teaching of College English Writing class. As a qualitative research, this paper employs methods of literature synthesis and comparative analysis to reach such a conclusion that PAD teaching methodology does help and facilitate modern Chinese college students in their learning of College English Writing class. An important perspective from the Grounded Theory has provided a strong support to further verify the necessary role that PAD teaching methodology has played in modern Chinese College English Writing class.

Author Biography

Huanan Su, University of the Cordilleras

College of Arts and Sciences


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