Studying the Role of Media in the Diffusion of English Words Into the Kashmiri Language: A Linguistic Overview


  • Nisar Ahmad Koka King Khalid University
  • Mohammad Nurul Islam King Khalid University
  • Mohammad Osman Abdul Wahab King Khalid University
  • Javed Ahmad King Khalid University



export, import, language contact, linguistic diffusion, Print and electronic media, naturalization


Studying the predominant occurrence and existence of English lexicon in other languages in contact with English has emerged out to be of immense interest among the researchers of sociolinguistics and theoretical linguistics. The present study is devoted to demonstrate various English-Kashmiri language contact situations and the subsequent diffusion/ flow of English words into the Kashmiri language. The study attempts to explore the significant role of media in its different forms in enhancing and determining the transport of English words into the speech of Kashmiri speakers. The study seeks to address the motivation and inspiration of Kashmiri speakers behind the English-Kashmiri linguistic shift, and the influence of the prevailing circumstances on this English-Kashmiri linguistic diffusion. The liberality of the English language in handing over such an enormously huge amount of word treasure to the Kashmiri language, and the receptivity of the Kashmiri language in accepting this vocabulary treasure from English at a very large scale has been thrown light on in the study. In the present study, an attempt has been made to display a comprehensive list of English words used in various domains of social life of the Kashmiri speech community.

Author Biographies

Nisar Ahmad Koka, King Khalid University

Department of English, Faculty of Languages and Translation

Mohammad Nurul Islam, King Khalid University

Department of English, Faculty of Languages and Translation

Mohammad Osman Abdul Wahab, King Khalid University

Department of English, Faculty of Languages and Translation

Javed Ahmad, King Khalid University

English Language Center (ELC) Graiger, Faculty of Languages and Translation


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