Morpho-Semantic of Predicate in Indonesian


  • Made Sri Satyawati Udayana University
  • I Nyoman Kardana Warmadewa University
  • Dewa Ayu Kadek Claria Warmadewa University



argument, predicate, semantic, valance, verb


Semantically, a predicate is not always filled in by verbs. This study aims to discover and describe the predicate category and the number of arguments each predicate has in the Indonesian language. This study's data were taken from informants and the daily newspaper 'Bali Post'. The collected data were analyzed by applying deductive and inductive approaches. The result shows that Indonesian's predicate can be filled in by verb and non-verb categories: noun, adjective, preposition, and numeral. The predicate of the Indonesian sentences can be classified into the valency-one predicate, valency-two predicate, and valency-three predicate. Besides, there are several intransitive and transitive predicates in the Indonesian language, followed by a clause. Each of those finding is explained in detail in this article.

Author Biographies

Made Sri Satyawati, Udayana University

Faculty of Humanities

I Nyoman Kardana, Warmadewa University

Faculty of Letters

Dewa Ayu Kadek Claria, Warmadewa University

Faculty of Letters


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