Letting the Struggling Saudi EFL Readers Take Lead: How Teachers Transform English Language Instruction


  • Vipin Sharma Jazan University




motivation, reading difficulties, Saudi EFL learners, struggling readers, vocabulary


The paper intends to divulge and argue the major reading problems Saudi students face and flaws in contemporary research that affects a lot on developing their reading skills. The problems and pitfalls related to reading skill, prime facie, seem traditional but widely discussed; hitherto, remain unsettled in the arena of language learning. The researcher tries to explore and shed light on these problems while achieving different asymptotic levels of performance, constrained and unconstrained skills to observe and experience how far and fast the Saudi EFL learners master the reading skills in and out of classroom settings at Jazan University. It is solely based on experience and observational data that the researcher has collected on his students’ everyday classroom performance. The paper also monitors how far the previous findings contributed to overcome struggling readers’ problems and improve their reading abilities and suggests how recognizing these major occurring problems may endow with an authentic and viable initiative for planning reading instruction and interventions. Hence, the present study aims to provide in-depth examination and interpretation of struggling Saudi EFL learners’ problems and challenges meting out different texts in structure and related aspects on different reading tasks. The paper concludes with some vital suggestions that would indubitably help learners and teachers practice in realia to lessen anxiety, achieve desired outcomes and evolve educational policies for language instruction, evaluation and assessment.

Author Biography

Vipin Sharma, Jazan University

English Language Institute


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