Effectiveness of Existing Language Courses and Classroom Tactics for ELT at the Engineering Universities in Bangladesh


  • Mohammad Shahazahan Seraj Bhuiyan Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST)
  • Mohammad Ehsanul Islam Khan Manarat International University (MIU)




ELT, classroom teaching techniques, engineering students, professional development


This study aimed at investigating the English language teaching (ELT) at eight engineering universities in Bangladesh with a particular focus on the existing language courses and classroom teaching techniques used in English language education of those selected universities. During the study, students' perceptions and their academic, social, and emotional standpoint regarding English language teaching were also considered. The study sample encompassed 144 present and former students of those selected universities. A mixed-method approach, both qualitative and quantitative, was administered to collect data on the present English language courses and the classroom teaching techniques. Under the qualitative approach, the study's findings revealed that the classroom teaching techniques and instructional methods of the selected engineering universities require modification based on the identified needs and expectations of the teachers, students, and the responsible persons of the workplace.

Author Biographies

Mohammad Shahazahan Seraj Bhuiyan, Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST)

Department of Science and Humanities

Mohammad Ehsanul Islam Khan, Manarat International University (MIU)

Department of English


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