The Historical Dynamics of the Archaistic Lexicon in Modern Balinese Languages


  • Ni Ketut Ratna Erawati Udayana University
  • Ni Ketut Puji Astiti Laksmi Udayana University
  • I Nyoman Suparwa Udayana University



archaistic, social strata, innovation, retention, integration


The communication of Balinese people in this era is often marked by the waning of archaistic vocabulary diction, which is believed to have politeness values. Even though it still exists, diction on archaistic elements is only used in a limited realm. The use of archaistic vocabulary diction is felt to give more value, such as respect for elders. Moreover, archaic words give a certain spirit to the Balinese Kepara or common language. This study aims to comparatively describe the archaic vocabulary of Balinese, considering the language is an acculturation of several cultures. In other words, the Balinese is not merely a language of communication, but reflects a polite and educative culture in building the image and identity of the people. Therefore, tracing the archaic lexicon is necessary to describe and accept its usage. Several lexicons were found in Sanskrit, Old Javanese, and Old Balinese and still exist in Modern Balinese. In terms of shape and organization, some of these lexicons are unchanged (linear), while others have changed. The linear lexicon is used massively by Balinese people with their strong Hindu religion. The archaistic lexicon indicates that local wisdom can be maintained to develop Balinese culture. Several lexicons undergo changes in form accompanied by a shift in meaning. However, they are still maintained in the component and the lexicon with contrasting meanings. The shape changes are only phonological, with variations in syllable boundaries.

Author Biographies

Ni Ketut Ratna Erawati, Udayana University

Faculty of Humanities

Ni Ketut Puji Astiti Laksmi, Udayana University

Faculty of Humanities

I Nyoman Suparwa, Udayana University

Faculty of Humanities


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