Kosovan Parents’ and Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding the English Language Teaching and Learning in the First Grade


  • Agnesa Çanta University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”
  • Valentina Nimonaj-Hoti University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”
  • Ardita Haziri-Aliu University “Kadri Zeka”




parents, teachers, perceptions, English, first grade


The importance attributed to English as the lingua franca of our days has influenced the decisions of the education authorities in many countries to change their language learning policies and introduce English in very early stages of formal education. The present study aimed at unfolding the Kosovan parents’ and teachers’ perceptions regarding the English language teaching and learning in the first grade. This quantitative research included 400 participants, 200 parents and 200 class teachers randomly selected from 56 elementary schools of the country. The research instruments were two structured questionnaires, one for the parents and the other for the teachers, each containing 15 questions related to the topic, whereas the research data were analyzed via the SPSS program. The research results indicate that a considerable percentage of Kosovan parents and teachers do not support the inclusion of English as an obligatory subject in the first grade, mainly because they fear it may interfere negatively with the learning of their mother tongue.

Author Biographies

Agnesa Çanta, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”

Faculty of Education

Valentina Nimonaj-Hoti, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”

Faculty of Education

Ardita Haziri-Aliu, University “Kadri Zeka”

Faculty of Education


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