A Review of Teachers’ Perceptions of the Use of Social Networking Sites for the Teaching and Learning of English


  • Shereen Wong National University of Malaysia
  • Melor Md Yunus National University of Malaysia




social networking sites, systematic literature review, teachers’ perceptions, education technology, PRISMA


Due to the advent of the industrial revolution 4.0, there is now a crucial need for teachers to ensure that pupils are both skilled in English and technologically savvy. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of social networking sites (SNSs) has become compulsory. Their use has influenced the education system, which has embraced online learning. By implementing SNSs, English teachers have provided pupils with ample opportunities to learn, apply and produce knowledge, rather than simply to regurgitate it. As such, this literature review was conducted to study and summarise English teachers’ perceptions of the use of SNSs in terms of their level of effectiveness, the degree to which they motivate pupils and how difficult they are to implement for teaching English. This review also sheds light on English teachers’ willingness and readiness to use SNSs. The review synthesizes a total of 35 articles from 2018 to 2022, and it demonstrates that teachers feel positive about implementing SNSs in their English classrooms; according to the teachers studied, these platforms provide more advantages than disadvantages and are able to impressively enhance pupils’ proficiency. This review contributes to the body of knowledge on new teaching methodologies by revealing the latest trends regarding teachers’ perceptions of the use of SNSs for the teaching and learning of English.

Author Biographies

Shereen Wong, National University of Malaysia

Faculty of Education

Melor Md Yunus, National University of Malaysia

Faculty of Education


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