A Content Analysis of Research Articles on English Micro-Teaching


  • Haoran Chen Guangdong University of Foreign Studies




English micro-teaching, qualitative content analysis, research articles


In the era of Internet development, teaching methods are constantly updated. As an important part of English teaching methods, micro-teaching has been studied deeply by many scholars. Even though people are currently in an era when English micro-teaching is becoming more and more popular, there are not many articles about research on English micro-teaching research. Thus, this paper applies qualitative content analysis to study the academic articles on English micro-teaching from 2008 to 2020, and focuses on the issues related to English micro-teaching. The results show that: (1) The most commonly used method for conducting the research on English micro-class teaching is a questionnaire survey, followed by interviews. (2) The main advantage of English micro-teaching is that it is beneficial to teacher education, but the main disadvantage is the lack of real classroom features.

Author Biography

Haoran Chen, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

South China Business College


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