Language in the Hypnotherapy of Depression Healing: A Neurolinguistic Study


  • Putu Sutama University of Udayana
  • Maria Arina Luardini University of Palangka Raya
  • Joni Bungai University of Palangka Raya
  • Tans Feliks Nusa Cendana University



theohypnotherapy, depression, neurolinguistics


The neurolinguistic concept is similar to language function in that it expresses thought that leads to behavior, habit, and character. This study focuses on neurolinguistics to investigate the language used in hypnotherapy. Language is a therapy medium for curing depressive disorders resulting from different factors. Most of the depressive disorders treated at the Bali Brahma Kuntha Center Clinic are caused by disharmony or connection interruption between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, resulting in perception mapping errors. This mind disharmony is responsible for depressive disorder. This study employs a descriptive qualitative approach with a corpus of language or text data to cure depressive disorders. The corpus is the text used by the participants involved in the curing activities between the patients and the therapist. The data was collected using the observation method via recording and note-taking. The results reveal that language is closely related and cannot be separated from a depressive disorder. The type of hypnotherapy used to cure depressive disorder employs religious doctrines, referred to as theohypnotherapy. Overall, language or text is completed with the body, with hand touch induction especially used in the curing procedures. The hypnotherapy results indicate all the patients, based on the testimony texts, recovered from the depressive disorder.

Author Biographies

Putu Sutama, University of Udayana

Department of Balinese Literature

Maria Arina Luardini, University of Palangka Raya

Department of English Education

Joni Bungai, University of Palangka Raya

Faculty of Teaching and Education

Tans Feliks, Nusa Cendana University

Linguistics Study Program


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