Blending Creative Approaches to English Language Learning: Shaping Critical Thinkers


  • Awwad Othman Abdelaziz Ahmed Taif University
  • Mohammed AbdAlgane Qassim University



Communicative Teaching Approach, creative thinking, English curriculum, original thought, inventive teaching strategies


The primary objective of this study is to assess whether or not there has been an increase in the students' capacity for creative and critical thinking as a direct result of the focus that has been placed on critical thinking and communication. The following hypotheses will guide our research: (H1) that original thinking is not included in the prescribed syllabus at the graduate level; and (H2) that Paul's E&S of critical thinking can promote creative writing skills among graduate Arab learners in the Department of English & Translation at Ar Rass, Qassim University. Both quantitative and qualitative research approaches were used by the researchers in this study with a cross-sectional design. Quantitative analysis was performed on a total of two hundred forty (240) research papers. Twelve instructors from the English and Translation Department at Qassim University's Ar Rass campus contributed the descriptive information that was used. A Paired Samples t-test was carried out for the purpose of investigating the hypotheses. The null hypothesis was validated using the p 0.05 threshold of significance. This entails that the curriculum for the Bachelor of Arts degree must include some forms of innovative problem solving. The second hypothesis was validated using the p0.05 and p0.01 thresholds of significance, respectively. That is to say, Paul's E&S line of thinking can be included into Research Writing in order to nurture and support students' creative thinking.

Author Biographies

Awwad Othman Abdelaziz Ahmed, Taif University

Department of Foreign Languages, College of Arts

Mohammed AbdAlgane, Qassim University

Department of English & Translation, College of Science and Arts, Ar Rass


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