Using Smart Devices in Forming the Foreign Language Competency of Economics Students


  • Marina Stavruk Surgut State University
  • Liliya Beloglazova RUDN University
  • Irina Polozhentseva K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technologies and Management
  • Alibi Shapauov Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau University
  • Elvira Safonova Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
  • Oksana Orekhova Moscow State University of International Relations
  • Nataliya Rets K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technologies and Management
  • Galina Malukina National University of Science and Technology MISIS
  • Olga Abramova Moscow Aviation Institute
  • Svetlana Godzinevskaya RUDN University



smart technologies, smart society, distance learning, interactive board, smart education


This article presents a study on the effectiveness of using smart devices in teaching foreign languages. The research involved conducting an experiment with students (N=195), allowing for a comparison of learning outcomes between groups of those using smart devices in the process of learning a foreign language and those without them. The results demonstrate the benefits of practically using smart devices in foreign language acquisition, significantly improving the quality of instructional material presentation and its absorption by students, enriching the educational process, increasing motivation for language learning, fostering closer collaboration between teachers and students, introducing variation in homework and independent student work, and thereby creating new conditions for self-education and individual learning trajectories. The authors conclude that smart technologies eliminate the limitations inherent in traditional methods, taking teaching and learning beyond the classroom. Implementing smart technologies in students' practical activities in professionally oriented foreign language classes promotes the development of all four language skills – reading, writing, speaking, and listening, improves communicative abilities, and helps foreign language learners adapt to international testing.


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