The Image of the Arab World in the Spanish and Latin American Journalistic Discourse: Immigration as an Example


  • Abdullah M. Al-Amar University of Jordan
  • Mohammad D. Ababneh the Hashemite University



the Arab world, journalistic discourse, immigration, discourse analysis, Van Dijk


Spain's and Latin America's perception of Arabs is conditioned by a set of labels. This article aims to study the (re)presentation of the figure of the Arab immigrant in both Spanish and Latin American journalistic discourse. The researchers, through the use of a series of lexical and rhetorical resources, demonstrate that, this discourse effectively contributes to the generation of labels about the population of the study in question. Our corpus of analysis is essentially made up of newspaper articles with national and local circulation (El Mundo, El Diario de Sevilla, El Tiempo, Libertad Digital, etc.). The methodology followed in the analysis is based on the theories of Van Dijk about discourse and racism in Spain and Latin America.

Author Biographies

Abdullah M. Al-Amar, University of Jordan

Department of English Language

Mohammad D. Ababneh, the Hashemite University

Language Center


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