Interference: Affixation of Mongondow Dialect in Indonesian Learning


  • Donal Matheos Ratu Universitas Negeri Manado



affixation, verb, Mongondow language, Mongondow dialect


The bilingual backgrounds of speakers, the lack of loyalty to the target language, the limited knowledge of the vocabulary of the target language, the need for synonyms, the taking into consideration of prestige and style, and the inadequate command of the target language are just a few of the things that contribute to language interference. One type of language interference that occurs is interference where a native speaker uses a pattern or rule that leads to an error or incorrect form in the target language. The use of two or more languages by a speech community causes deviations in morphology, syntax, phonology, and even semantics. This deviation will result in a linguistic phenomenon known as interference. This research aimed to determine whether the Mongondow dialect can interfere with students' learning of Indonesian. The researcher wanted to investigate the impact of students’ Mongondow dialect particularly when communicating in diverse cultural environments. The researcher described the difficulties students had in forming verbs with affixation in the Mongondow local dialect in their learning of the Indonesian language. The researcher also identified factors that indicate how the local dialect can interfere with students' language skills. A qualitative descriptive method was chosen for the study because it is suitable for collecting data on the students' perceptions through semi-structured interviews. The researcher interviewed Indonesian teachers and students to understand why they ask certain types of questions during the teaching and learning process. The analysis of students' interferences in Indonesian learning revealed that the use of the Mongondow dialect in communication had a positive impact on the oral performance of students. Moreover, it also increased their motivation to learn and helped teachers build their self-confidence. Additionally, utilizing various media and facilities proved to be beneficial in promoting active learning among students.


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