Reframing Assessment Strategies: The Impact of Reflective Teaching on University EFL Lecturers’ Perspectives and Practices


  • Phuong Hoang Yen Can Tho University
  • Le Thanh Thao Can Tho University
  • Pham Trut Thuy Nam Can Tho University
  • Nguyen Anh Thi Can Tho University
  • Huynh Thi Anh-Thu Can Tho University
  • Nguyen Huong Tra Can Tho University



assessment strategies, reflective teaching, university lecturers, perspectives, practices


This study delves into the evolving perspectives and practices of lecturers regarding classroom assessment, especially in terms of integrating reflective teaching methods. Drawing insights from 15 English as a foreign language (EFL) lecturers, certain emergent trends were identified, including a pronounced shift towards constructivist approaches to assessment and an increased emphasis on formative over summative assessment strategies. Lecturers also showcased enhanced reflective abilities in assessment design, with a significant number highlighting the improved alignment between learning outcomes, teaching methodologies, and assessment strategies. A deepened appreciation for diverse learning pathways became evident, and there was an amplified responsiveness to student feedback in tailoring assessment strategies. The study also found trends like embracing technological tools for improved assessment, a surge in interdisciplinary collaboration in assessment design, a heightened empathy towards student challenges, and a strong advocacy for collaborative assessments. The findings underscore the profound implications of reflective teaching on assessment strategies. Recommendations for future studies emphasize the need for a broader participant base and exploration of direct impacts on student outcomes.

Author Biographies

Phuong Hoang Yen, Can Tho University

School of Foreign Languages

Le Thanh Thao, Can Tho University

School of Foreign Languages

Nguyen Anh Thi, Can Tho University

School of Foreign Languages

Huynh Thi Anh-Thu, Can Tho University

School of Foreign Languages

Nguyen Huong Tra, Can Tho University

School of Foreign Languages


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