Impacts of LMS Socio-Linguistic and Psychometric Factors on Students' English and Translation Proficiency and Communicative Competence: A Paradigm Shift During COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Magda Madkour Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU)
  • Hajer Alaskar Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU)



English proficiency, psychometric abilities, socio-linguistic abilities, translation competence


This quantitative study investigated the impacts of Learning Management Systems’ (LMS) socio-linguistic and psychometric factors on students' English and translation proficiency and communicative competence. The participants were enrolled at the College of Languages and Translation, Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The results highlighted the positive experiences students had with the LMS platforms, with a notable frequency of (79.6%). Additionally, a significant percentage (86.2%) affirmed the effectiveness of these platforms in aiding them in achieving academic objectives. However, (52%) indicated that students consistently or often faced challenges when using technology. The findings highlighted improvements in various areas, including linguistic abilities (71.7%), translation skills (73.7%), social skills (62.5%), and psychometric abilities (70.3%), emphasizing the role of online environments in fostering effective communicative skills. The study also revealed the benefits of language and translation technology for students, with (84.1%) using computer-assisted translation, (82.9%) engaging in dubbing and voice translation, and (75.6%) utilizing language audio/video resources. Positive impacts on proficiency and communicative competence were evident, with frequencies of (74.4%) and (69.1%), respectively. These findings underscore the positive influence of technology on language and translation learning, emphasizing communicative approaches that enable students to develop competencies based on language socialization and real-time translation practices. The study recommends ongoing technology training for students and advocates for the use of psychometric tools embedded in LMS to encourage self-assessment and independent learning. The study's significance lies in understanding the intricate relationship between cognition, educational technology, and language and translation learning, particularly in the context of higher education.

Author Biographies

Magda Madkour, Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU)

English Department, College of Languages and Translation

Hajer Alaskar, Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU)

English Department, College of Languages and Translation


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