Sudanese Students’ Perceptions of Code Switching in English Language Classes


  • Elsadig Hussein Fadlalla Ali King Khalid University
  • Fawzi Eltayeb Yousuf Ahmed King Khalid University
  • Zahir Adam Daffalla Ahmed Al-Rayan College (Al Madinah Al Munawara)
  • Sarrah Osman Eltom King Khalid University
  • Nawal Mosa Mohammed Abdallah King Khalid University
  • Haider Falah Zaeid University of Thi Qar



code-switching, mother tongue, multilingualism, students’ perceptions, Sudanese


This study aims to learn how Sudanese students perceive their teachers' use of their mother tongues in English language classes and whether this usage aids or hinders student comprehension. The researchers used a descriptive and analytical approach. Sixty students completed one questionnaire, the primary tool for gathering pertinent data from the study. The researcher used the SPSS program to analyze and validate the assumptions. The findings of this research are as follows. First, the students had favorable opinions regarding the use of code-switching. Second, many instructors incorporated Arabic into their English classes. Considering these findings, the researcher suggests that code-switching is used more frequently to help students become fluent in bilingual and multilingual settings. Teachers can benefit from using code-switching to teach English because students have favorable attitudes toward its use in English language classes. Finally, the study offers several suggestions and ideas for additional research.

Author Biographies

Elsadig Hussein Fadlalla Ali, King Khalid University

Department of English, College of Science and Arts (Tanumah)

Fawzi Eltayeb Yousuf Ahmed, King Khalid University

Department of English, College of Science and Arts (Tanumah)

Zahir Adam Daffalla Ahmed, Al-Rayan College (Al Madinah Al Munawara)

Department of English

Sarrah Osman Eltom, King Khalid University

Department of English, College of Science and Arts (Tanumah)

Nawal Mosa Mohammed Abdallah, King Khalid University

Department of English, College of Science and Arts (Tanumah)

Haider Falah Zaeid, University of Thi Qar

Department of Journalism, College of Media


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