Synecdoche-Related Comprehension Challenges for Modern College of Business and Science EFL Students: A Case Study


  • Emad A. Alawad Modern College of Business and Science (MCBS)



synecdoche, comprehension challenges, MCBS


This case study explores the comprehension challenges related to synecdoche among EFL students at the Modern College of Business and Science (MCBS). Recognizing a gap in the literature, the study aims to understand the difficulties students face when dealing with synecdochical contexts and to identify contributing factors. Two instruments were employed: a synecdoche comprehension test and a student questionnaire, completed by 96 MCBS students. Additionally, a teacher questionnaire was administered to 10 participants to gain further insights. The results reveal a wide range of understanding, with only 31 out of 69 participants passing the comprehension test, indicating a prevalent misunderstanding of synecdochical phrases. The teachers’ questionnaire highlighted important variables affecting students’ comprehension of synecdoche. The findings suggest a need for targeted teaching strategies to improve comprehension of synecdoche among EFL students.

Author Biography

Emad A. Alawad, Modern College of Business and Science (MCBS)

General Education


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