The Effect of Using Wattpad as an ICT Tool on EFL Students’ Writing Skill


  • Taufik Arochman Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
  • Margana Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
  • Ashadi Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
  • Afi Normawati Universitas Tidar
  • M Fatkhu Arifin Universitas Tidar
  • Sarifah Achmad Universitas Tidar



EFL students, ICT, Wattpad, writing skill


The advancement of technology in the current world is leading to the changing of the learning process in the educational field. This study aimed to explore the use of Wattpad to enhance the writing skills of EFL learners following the integration of ICT for educational purposes based on the effect of the application and the student’s perceptions. The study used a mixed method to examine the data provided both numerical and non-numerical. The samples of this study were 80 participants at a state university in Central Java, Indonesia. The investigation conducted was related to EFL. The data of this study were collected through tests and a survey which was distributed online. This study revealed that there was a significant difference between students who were taught using Wattpad and those who were taught using paper-based writing (sig. 0.016 < α). Moreover, there were positive perceptions from the participants toward the use of Wattpad to enhance writing skills. Wattpad was perceived as a pleasurable media of learning where students could express various emotions, ideas, and thoughts. It gave chances to students to develop their writing. Further, this study is expected to give insight into future research related to the investigation of the use of Wattpad in developing writing skills.

Author Biographies

Taufik Arochman, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

English Education Department

Margana, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

English Education Department

Ashadi, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

English Education Department

Afi Normawati, Universitas Tidar

English Education Department

M Fatkhu Arifin, Universitas Tidar

English Education Department

Sarifah Achmad, Universitas Tidar

English Education Department


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