Correlation of ESP Learners’ Cognitive, Metacognitive Strategies and Academic Achievement


  • Ali Ahmed Khan Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University
  • Abdulaziz B. Sanosi Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University



cognitive strategies, meta-cognitive strategies, correlation, achievement, ESP


There have been many studies dealing with the interconnections between the utilization of language learning strategies and the overall academic achievement of EFL learners. Our research aims to investigate whether there is some correlation between the implementation of cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies, and academic achievement in an ESP context. The study sample incorporated 170 undergraduates studying in business administration programs at the university where we are teaching. We used the Strategy Inventory of Language Learning Strategies (SILL) put together by R. Oxford to examine the implementation of CSs and MCSs by the learners. We generated the results with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics. We compared the data received with the students’ GPAs by using the Pearson correlation coefficient. The findings revealed that students make use of both CSs and MCSs fairly highly. MCSs are used more than CSs. There is a remarkably useful correlation between GPA and most of the CSs and MCSs examined. The findings and recommendations of this research will contribute to the ongoing literature and they will help in updating ESP syllabi and teaching techniques of vocational and practical programs that require ESP.

Author Biographies

Ali Ahmed Khan, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University

Department of MIS, College of Business Administration at Hotat Bani Tamim

Abdulaziz B. Sanosi, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University

Department of English Language, College of Science and Humanities at Hotat Bani Tamim


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