Japanese Compound Verbs 「〜dasu」「〜deru」「〜komu」: Exploring Meaning and Illustrated Pedagogy for Japanese Learners


  • Puspa Mirani Kadir Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Inu Isnaeni Sidiq Universitas Padjadjaran




illustration, inherent verbs, transitive-intransitive, compound verbs


Research on the use of compound verbs in learning the Japanese language becomes crucial as previous studies have not fully addressed aspects related to the necessity of categorizing compound verbs clearly and accurately with a simple understanding. Although Satou (2002) divides verbs based on morphophonology, the research remains incomplete without considering morphosemantic aspects. Therefore, doubts arise regarding the result of combining the two verbs, whether the Verbs Group 1 ‘Godan Doushi’ (V1), referred to as the initial verb element 'zenkouyouso', or the Verbs Group 2 ‘Ichidan Doushi’ (V2), referred to as the final verb element 'gokouyouso', still adhere to the status of the final verb as a jidoushi or tadoushi. Kageyama's (1993) study on the meaning and usage of compound verbs [-dasu] is divided into two groups, indicating a change of place 'ichihenka' and aspect 'aspekuto,' observed in Japanese sentences. The concepts of compound verbs developed by Satou (2002) and Kageyama (2016) are combined eclectically in this research, aiming to obtain accurate data. The results of this analysis may not be well understood without additional support. Therefore, the analysis is presented with the illustrations of compound verbs 「〜dasu」「〜deru」「〜komu, which are drawn based on example sentences. This research aims to categorize the meanings of compound verbs in Japanese and illustrate them in pictures. Thus, Japanese language learners will optimally understand the use of those verbs based on both the inherent meaning of verbs and sentence structure.

Author Biographies

Puspa Mirani Kadir, Universitas Padjadjaran

Department of Linguistics

Inu Isnaeni Sidiq, Universitas Padjadjaran

Department of Linguistics


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