Metrical Formation and Rhyme in Taysīr Subūl's Aḥzān Ṣaḥrāwiyyah Collection: A Stylistic Study


  • Muna Alhaj-Saleh Salama Al-Ajrami The University of Jordan



Taysīr Subūl, metrical formation, rhyme, Arabic poetry, stylistic features


This study focuses on the principal stylistic characteristics of metrical formation and rhyme in the poetry collection of Taysīr Subūl Aḥzān Ṣaḥrāwiyyah ‘Desert Sorrows’. It explores the impact of traditional Arabic metrical forms on articulating the poet's real-life and psychological experiences. The research also delves into the importance of rhyme in fostering a unified emotional flow, maintaining the continuity of events, and culminating the poet's conceptual thoughts. The study concludes that Subūl's selection of classical Arabic meters (Buhur) and their metrical variations significantly contribute to the freedom and fluidity of his expression, enriching the rhythmic and semantic depth of his poetry. The varied application of softened rhyme schemes emerges as a prominent stylistic feature, encouraging readers to ponder over the implications and meanings of his poetic lines.

Author Biography

Muna Alhaj-Saleh Salama Al-Ajrami, The University of Jordan

Department of Arabic Language and Literature


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