An Investigation of the Consequences and Imperatives for the Development of the Problem-Solving Skill of Saudi English Major Students in Online Classrooms


  • Nasser Alasmari University of Jeddah
  • Fahad Alkhamees University of Jeddah



problem-solving, Saudi Arabia, academic difficulties, online learning, COVID 19


Based on the claim that problem-solving is one among other indispensable skills that 21st-century learners have to acquire and develop as it helps them face the increasingly intricate academic issues, especially at the tertiary level and due to the widespread pandemic that led to the resort to online learning as the only alternative available to guarantee the continuation of the learning process, the current work investigates the imperatives and consequences of problem-solving development in an online environment among Saudi English majors. It also examines the impact of online classrooms on Saudi academic learners and the difficulties they face. Whether online learning has provided the environment for students to thrive and develop their various skills or whether it has hindered their progress and negatively increased their reliance on technology with their skills and abilities, it also looks into the academic factor and the various impacts it has on students' language learning and skill development. 30 Saudi English majors in Jeddah University, Khulais faculty, contributed to the conduct of this research, which uses a mixed-method approach to get both the breadth and depth of the research. In addition to the study's theoretical work, it also shed light on the numerous challenges and obstacles that stand in the way of problem-solving skill development among learners.

Author Biographies

Nasser Alasmari, University of Jeddah

Department of English & Translation

Fahad Alkhamees, University of Jeddah

Department of English & Translation


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