Factors Contributing to the Gap Between Listening and Speaking Skills Performance Among University Students Post COVID-19


  • Amal Abdelsattar Metwally King Khalid University
  • Sabreen Ahmed A. Hakami Jazan University
  • Abeer Hussien Alabdaly King Khalid University




listening skill, speaking skill, gap, traditional classroom, non-linguistic factors, post COVID-19, recommendations


The present study explores the improvement in speaking skill as compared to the listening skill in EFL traditional classrooms post COVID-19. In this context, the grades of 168 female students at the intermediate level at the department of English language, faculty of languages and translation, King Khalid University were analyzed. A comparative analysis of the data of both listening and speaking exams was conducted to find out the gap between both skills. The data were gathered then analyzed using the SPSS statistical analysis and Pearson correlation coefficient to determine the relationship between the variables. The results indicated that students’ listening exam grades are better than their speaking grades. The investigations suggest that nonlinguistic factors (i.e. anxiety, stress because of speaking in front of the class, and other psychological fears) significantly affect the students’ speaking skill. The students were also requested to complete a survey about their experiences with traditional speaking sessions and face-to-face speaking exams. The study is both descriptive as well as prescriptive. It describes the current situation of the gap between students’ skills and the nonlinguistic factors resulting in students’ lower grades in speaking as compared to the listening skill. It ends up with suggesting some guidelines to help teachers improve their students’ speaking skill and overcome their fears of face-to-face speaking exams especially after a long period of virtual learning and examination environment. The study provides invaluable insights to make the best possible, data-based recommendations to optimize speaking skill in EFL traditional classrooms.

Author Biographies

Amal Abdelsattar Metwally, King Khalid University

Faculty of Languages and Translation

Abeer Hussien Alabdaly, King Khalid University

Faculty of Languages and Translation


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