Effects of the Instruction With Liushu on Mandarin Learners’ Chinese Character Achievement and Motivation


  • Qing Li Guo University of Malaya
  • Fong Peng Chew University of Malaya
  • Yin Yin Yeoh University of Malaya




effect, Liushu, mandarin learners, Chinese characters achievement, motivation


This study examines the effects of instruction with Liushu on Chinese character achievement and motivation of Mandarin learners through an experiment. A total of 133 Mandarin beginner learners from Laos were assigned to the experimental group (37 male students, 31 female students) and the control group (42 male students, 23 female students). Liushu was used to conduct Chinese character teaching for ten weeks in the experimental group. It was found that instruction with Liushu has a positive effect on learners’ Chinese character achievement, especially the ability to infer the meaning and pronunciation of Chinese characters. Also, it motivates Mandarin learners’ Ideal L2 Self and L2 Learning Experience more than conventional instruction. As a final contribution to this study, we presented a correlation analysis between Chinese character achievement and motivation as well as some insights.

Author Biographies

Qing Li Guo, University of Malaya

Department of Language and Literacy, Education, Faculty of Education

Fong Peng Chew, University of Malaya

Department of Language and Literacy, Education, Faculty of Education

Yin Yin Yeoh, University of Malaya

Department of Chinese Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences


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