EFL Pre-Service Teachers’ Reflections on Different Aspects of Teaching in Saudi Arabia: A Preliminary Qualitative Case Study


  • Talal Musaed Alghizzi Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University




pre-service teachers, teaching profession, English as a foreign language, Saudi Arabia


This qualitative investigation addresses the following aspects of Saudi pre-service English as a foreign language teachers: their perceptions of and attitudes toward their English proficiency and teaching competence; their teaching approaches; the motivating and deterring factors when choosing a teaching career; the problems they encountered; and suggestions to improve the English teaching profession. Eight participants who registered for a teaching practicum course at the university and met particular grade point average thresholds (from “passable” to “excellent”) were recruited. After the semester, the participants were asked four questions addressing the aspects mentioned earlier. The results indicate that regardless of gender, the higher participants’ grade point average, the more negative their perceptions and attitudes and, therefore, the greater their determination to avoid the profession. This study provides numerous suggestions for researchers on how to address these limitations and expand the investigation of this topic.

Author Biography

Talal Musaed Alghizzi, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University

Department of English Language and Literature


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