Heritage Language Maintenance Among Immigrant Youth: Factors Influencing Proficiency and Identity


  • Mona A. Alshihry King Khalid University




heritage language proficiency, identity formation, immigrant youth


Focusing on the importance of family linguistic practices and social support, this study investigates the complex link between immigrant youths' heritage language competence and the development of their sense of self. The research, which makes heavy use of quantitative methods, looks at the interplay between fluency in one's heritage language and one's feeling of cultural and ethnic belonging. The results highlight the significance of language usage among families of immigrants. Positive and robust associations between family language use and legacy language competence highlight the central role of the family context in language transmission. Youth of immigrants who hear their heritage language spoken often at home benefit not just in linguistic but also in cultural and ethnic identity development. This, in turn, helps immigrant families feel more at home and strengthens their commitment to maintaining their cultural traditions. Although the favorable association between community support and heritage language competency is less, it is still considerable. Community support supplements family efforts by offering extra resources and opportunities for language development. Heritage language schools and cultural festivals are examples of community-driven projects that provide a framework for language study and cultural immersion. Youth who share a same language and cultural background benefit from the existence of welcoming immigrant communities, which strengthens their sense of cultural identification and fosters a feeling of belonging.

Author Biography

Mona A. Alshihry, King Khalid University

English Department, Faculty of Languages & Translation


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