The Historical Development of Writing Instruction in an EFL Context: The Effect of Culture, Religion, Experience, and Globalization


  • Nafilah M. Aloairdhi Qassim University
  • Ahmad I Alhojailan Qassim University



writing, writing practices, teaching writing, writing instruction, teacher education


Due to the growing importance of English as a foreign language (EFL) writing and its teaching, this study aims to understand how EFL writing instruction has developed in Saudi Arabia. Aside from its historical development, this study also aims to investigate features and practices associated with teaching EFL writing over time using two qualitative methods: 1) semi-structured interviews with 11 expert educators from Saudi Arabia, and 2) Qualitative Content Analysis of the pre-existing body of content related to teaching EFL writing in Saudi Arabia. Clarke and Braun’s reflexive thematic analysis using MAXQDA software was used to analyse the interviews, while Roller and Lavrakas’ Total Quality Framework using Excel Worksheets was used to analyse the qualitative content. It was found that teaching EFL writing in Saudi Arabia has undergone three periods of historical development, each with their own various features and practices. The study can contribute to existing research on EFL writing instruction in general, and in Saudi Arabia in particular. Moreover, the study provides a focus for evaluating the difference between actual teaching and learning practices, and the outcomes expected from the EFL textbooks. This can help teachers and policy makers in implementing and designing more useful EFL learning approaches.

Author Biographies

Nafilah M. Aloairdhi, Qassim University

Department of English Language and Translation, College of Arabic Language and Social Studies

Ahmad I Alhojailan, Qassim University

Department of English Language and Translation, College of Arabic Language and Social Studies


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