Examining the Cultural Connotations in Human and Machine Translations: A Corpus Study of Naguib Mahfouz's Zuqāq al-Midaqq


  • Mouza H. Al-Kaabi Mohamed bin Zayed University of Humanities
  • Naji M. AlQbailat Al-Balqa Applied University
  • Amjad Badah University of Malaga
  • Islam A. Ismail The English and Foreign Languages University
  • Khalid B. Hicham University Sultan My Slimane




machine translation, human translation, artificial intelligence, GhatGPT, corpus, literary texts


The translation of culture-specific terms constitutes a major challenge for professional translators as it necessitates a thorough understanding of both the linguistic and cultural elements. With rapid technological advancement over the past few years, machine translation has enhanced translation quality. This study investigates the transability of cultural connotations in the Arabic-English translation of Naguib Mahfouz’s Zuqāq al-Midaqq. A descriptive qualitative research design was adopted to achieve the intended goals of the study. The data comprised human and machine translations from Google Translate and ChatGPT. Through qualitative content analysis, the translations were compared for accuracy in transferring the cultural connotations prevalent in the Arabic source text. The findings revealed that the human translation showed greater naturalness and accuracy in rendering cultural connotations. Machine translation has struggled with rhetorical devices, idioms, and cultural nuances. The results also indicated that the AI-enhanced machine represented by ChatGPT captured the cultural elements more effectively than Google Translate. The study concluded that human expertise remains essential for the high-quality translation of literary works to maintain cultural significance. The findings can inform translator training and guide improvements to AI-enhanced translation for literary texts.

Author Biographies

Mouza H. Al-Kaabi, Mohamed bin Zayed University of Humanities

Arabic Language and Literature Department

Naji M. AlQbailat, Al-Balqa Applied University

English Language and Literature Department

Amjad Badah, University of Malaga

Linguistics, Literature and Translation Department

Islam A. Ismail, The English and Foreign Languages University

English Language Education Department

Khalid B. Hicham, University Sultan My Slimane

English Department


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