English Language Learners' Attitudes Towards Bilingualism: Chicago Suburbs Case Study


  • Ivana Edmonds University of Ljubljana




bilingual education programs, English language learners (ELLs), home language maintenance, English as a second language (ESL), bilingualism


This study assumes that the native language of immigrants and their descendants in the US is not equally cherished as the dominant language of the host country. The goal of the study was to examine English as a second language (ESL) high school Hispanic students’ attitudes towards their home language (L1), English (L2), and bilingualism in their high school in the Chicago area, USA. The research, which includes sixty respondents, was based on an online questionnaire that was conducted in the selected high school. The results of the study showed generally positive attitudes towards the L1, L2, and bilingualism/the bilingual program by the English language learners. However, the results suggest a need for a different bilingual program, more additive in nature, which will include L1 instruction and offer better support, particularly for the lower English proficiency learners. In turn, it will prevent students from becoming monolingual in their second language. Moreover, the results also suggest that further research is needed after integration of the proposed bilingual program, which would prompt changes that would increase its effectiveness and measure students′ achievement patterns. This study offers suggestions for teachers and policymakers for improvement of their bilingual program at their school, while keeping the students′ interests in mind.

Author Biography

Ivana Edmonds, University of Ljubljana

Faculty of Arts


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