War and the Question of Identity: A Study of the Novel Half of a Yellow Sun and the Movie The Wall


  • Dheyaa Khaleel Nayel University of Karbala




identity, war, Nigeria, Iraq


This study examines the complex correlation between warfare and individual identity as depicted in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's literary work, "Half of a Yellow Sun." and a movie entitled “the wall”. The novel explores the effects of the Nigerian-Biafran War on personal and group identities, providing a captivating narrative within this historical context. The movie also tackles the issue of identity by providing viewers with situations pertaining to the issue of identity formation. This research aims to explore the impact of war on the transformation and reinterpretation of identity, encompassing ethnic, national, and personal ties. It achieves this by closely analyzing the experiences of the individuals involved. This paper explores the characters' reactions to the societal disruption resulting from the war, scrutinizing their efforts to navigate their sense of self amidst the presence of aggression and forced relocation. Furthermore, this study critically examines the influence of memory, trauma, and storytelling on the development of the characters' changing perception of their own identity. Through an exploration of these thematic elements, a more profound comprehension of the ways in which war may both shatter and form identities is attained, thereby illuminating the intricate nature of human experiences within periods of conflict.

Author Biography

Dheyaa Khaleel Nayel, University of Karbala

Department of English 


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