English-Medium Master's Degree Programs at a Saudi University: Attitudes, Experiences, and Obstacles


  • Majed Abu Dabeel Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University




EMI, ESP, Higher Education and University Support


English-medium instruction has become a prevalent strategy for increasing the internationalization opportunities of Saudi universities and the international employability of their graduates. The findings of an interview (12 professors and 30 students) and an observation of three established Science, Social Science, and Engineering master's degree programs at a major Saudi university in Riyadh are presented in this article. In order to facilitate the implementation of English-taught master's degree programs, the purpose of this study was to identify the perspectives, experiences, and obstacles of higher education stakeholders regarding English-medium instruction. Findings showed that English-medium instruction is generally preferred by both professors and students. Although the need for support measures was not as high as expected, certain challenges remain, which can be addressed through focused initiatives. Notable issues include stakeholder unhappiness, a high workload for students, varying degrees of prior knowledge among students. The research highlights how crucial it is to include English for Specific Purposes (ESP) instruction in the curriculum and recommends adding more tools and resources to support teacher development. These measures could involve voluntary participation and incentive programs.

Author Biography

Majed Abu Dabeel, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University

Department of English Language and Literature, College of Languages and Translation


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