The Effect of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) on Rural Area Students’ English Writing


  • Sriati Usman University of Tadulako
  • Burhanuddin Arafah Hasanuddin University
  • Mochtar Marhum University of Tadulako
  • Syahrul Munir University of Tadulako
  • Budi University of Tadulako
  • Nurgan Tadeko Yogyakarta State University



Effect, TPACK, writing, descriptive text


This research was conducted to examine the impact of the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and Direct Learning (DL) model on the learning outcomes of students in rural areas concerning English descriptive text composition. The models introduced a meaningful learning experience within conventional classroom settings, enabling students to connect prior knowledge with new information in creating innovative ideas. TPACK model played an essential role in the educational system, facilitating teachers in integrating technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge throughout the instructional process. Therefore, students became more engaged, active, and enthusiastic participants in their learning. An authentic experimental and control group design was carried out in two parallel classes at a senior high school. Meanwhile, ANOVA Factorial (2-way ANOVA) was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the learning outcomes of TPACK were significantly different from those of the DL group. Therefore, TPACK substantially affected the learning outcomes of students in writing English descriptive text. This research reported the valuable contribution of the model in equipping future teachers with the knowledge necessary to integrate content, learning theories, teaching models, methods, and technology into their instructional practices.

Author Biographies

Sriati Usman, University of Tadulako

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Burhanuddin Arafah, Hasanuddin University

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Mochtar Marhum, University of Tadulako

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Syahrul Munir, University of Tadulako

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Budi, University of Tadulako

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Nurgan Tadeko, Yogyakarta State University

Department of Education, Postgraduate School


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