Pragma-Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Environmental Slogans


  • Wasan N. Fadhil Kerbala University



speech act, multimodal discourse analysis, slogans, semiotic components


One of the most effective ways to create awareness among people to care for the environment and keep it serene is framing slogans in images. This paper is a pragma-multimodal analysis of environmental slogans with images created on different social media platforms. It aims to discover the illocutionary act of each text and explore how each text cooperates with its image to create a comprehensive meaning. The dataset selected for this paper includes ten slogans with images. This paper was conducted qualitatively using a descriptive-analytical approach. Findings reveal that these slogans convey various illocutionary acts such as requesting, inviting, or asserting. Also, there is an inter-connectedness between the text and its image, which helps construct a successful meaning.

Author Biography

Wasan N. Fadhil, Kerbala University

English Department


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