Unlocking the Potential: Exploring EFL Instructors' Perception in Enhancing Oral Proficiency of Saudi EFL Learners


  • Ruqayyah N. Moafa Jazan University




EFL, ELLs, oral communication, speaking skill, instructors


This study examines English language teachers' perceptions of their instructional strategies in daily English as a Foreign Language classroom instruction in Saudi Arabia. The study focuses on three aspects of second language learning: lesson planning, classroom management, and external pressures from tests and assessments. Ten EFL teachers were chosen randomly based on specific criteria such as having at least three years of teaching experience, no familiarity with the research, and currently engaged in full-time EFL instruction for Saudi students. Semi-structured interviews were used in the study, each lasting approximately 55 minutes. The information was gathered in three stages: deconstruction, coding, and incorporation into the larger dataset. The study concluded that teachers play a vital role in the language classroom, implementing instructional practices to prepare students for exams and other academic demands. In conclusion, improving English speaking skills is essential for success in today's competitive global world. Teachers should embrace pedagogical approaches, prioritizing learning and incorporating diverse activities to engage students and foster creativity.

Author Biography

Ruqayyah N. Moafa, Jazan University

English Language Institute


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